Individual and Couple Psychotherapy since 1982


For decades, both on my own initiative and invited by groups and institutions I have participated in conferences, workshops, seminars and courses all around the globe; in Europe and America. This allowed me to spread the word and acknowledge our historical identity, as the Reichian and Global Ecology Paradigm, together our current eco-health practice (Ecological Child Breeding, sexuality, couple counseling, Brief Psycotherapy, Vegetotherapy, Human Systems Ecology)

For updated information visit my professional Facebook profile: Xavier Serrano Hortelano

I also teach and train in the graduate programs of the Escuela Española de Terapia Reichiana; historically, the Spanish appointed representative of the Scuola Europea di Orgonterapia and member of:

International Federation Orgonomic Colleges (IFOC) as a founding society.

FORUM. European Association of Body Psychotherapy Training Institutes and Professional Associations

Federación Española de Asociaciones de Psicoterapeutas (FEAP) [Spanish Federation of Psychotherapists]

Federación Española de Asociaciones de Sexología (FESS) [Spanish Federation of Sexology]

Visit the School website for more information on the Escuela Española de Terapia Reichiana: