Individual and Couple Psychotherapy since 1982


Some contributions to the Reichian and to the Global Ecology Paradigm:

Developed as a result of interdisciplinary collaboration and research together with my colleagues of the Escuela Española de Terapia Reichiana (ESTER) and under the supervision and tutelage of Federico Navarro (1924-2002). All of these have been presented in National and International Congresses as well as in articles, conferences and books.

- D.I.D.E. Systematics (Initial Differential Structural Diagnosis). 1990
- Sexuality and sexology from a differential structural perspective. 1986 - 1993
- Character-Analytic psychotherapy for sexual dysfunctions, personality disorders and psychosis. 1986 - 1996
- Character-Analytic Vegetotherapy Systematized for Group Therapy.1990
- Theoretical and clinical development of Character-Analytic Brief Psychotherapy (P.B.C.). 1992
- Clinical and supervision template. 1994
- The sexual phases according to an ecological and self-regulated child breeding perspective. 1996
- Post-Reichian ontogenesis. 1997
- P.B.C. for couple counseling. 2004
- Human Systems Ecology Theory. 2004
- Frankenstein syndrome (Approaching adolescence). 2006
- Character-Analytic Vegetotherapy for borderline and psychotic structures. 1997-2007
- Character-Analytic Psychotherapy Proposal. 2007


11ª entrega de la Serie Pioneros de la Psicología. COPCV. Esta serie, que consta de 17 documentos videográficos, ha sido organizada y producida por el Col·legi Oficial de Psicòlegs de la Comunitat Valenciana, y en ellos se entrevista a diversas personalidades de la psicología, en los que describen los inicios de su andadura profesional y de las áreas en las que han destacado.